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Sjálandsskóli – Willing and Respectful

Sjálandsskoli began operations in October 2005. From the beginning, we have set ambitious goals in education. Emphasis is given to individualized learning, creativity, flexibility and a democratic style of education. For these elements and more, the school received the Icelandic Education Award 2011.

Emphasis is placed on creating a positive school atmosphere and a good working spirit. Everyone in school strives to promote and maintain good morale. The safety, health and well-being of our students and staff is paramount. We honor mutual trust, respect, shared responsibility and courtesy. We take the needs of individual students and their need to feel a sense of belonging into account. At Sjálandsskóli, we believe in building an environment which is nuturing, yet stimulating, so that students may develop creativity and resilience. Our staff uses their expertise to create interesting and challenging learning opportunities designed to give each student the opportunity to grow and flourish. This helps us reach our goal of preparing our 21st century learners to become independent, responsive and active members of society.


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